Project kindness

Project Kindness is a big project started a few years ago to prevent and spread awareness on bullying and other correlated special categories.

Every year a sub project is created to work on specific matters. Please learn more about our subproject and books.

Kindness is all around

"Kindness is all around" is a project run in UK and Italy to prevent bullying and eating disorder at young age. Based on our book "Kindness is all around", a combination of educational activities to empower children, create bonds, teamwork, understanding role models and the importance of adults' influence on youth. Children are provided with tools to prevent bullying, violence, eating disorder and report to a trusted adults any discomfort or wrongdoing.

Target age: Primary school ( We also recommend the book to adults: parents, carers, etc. )

Riding kindness

"Riding kindness" is a new project running in UK and Italy to prevent bullying and to educate on disabilities without stigmatization at young age. Based on our book "Riding kindness" we talk about bullying and disability with the aim to create more inclusive and safe environments. Giving children the tools to understand the importance of respect, empathy, friendship, love, and team playing through fun educational activities.

Target age: 7-11 ( We also recommend the book to adults: parents, carers, etc. )

Our kindness books' series:

Our books' series is based on Kindness, love, respect, friendship, diversity, and inclusion

Our first book "Kindness is all around" is distributed worldwide. To purchase the book, please use any of the following links.

for UK: Waterstone Foyle Amazon

for US: Barnes & Nobles

Our second book "Riding kindness" is distributed worldwide. To purchase the book, please use any of the following links.

for UK: Amazon Hatchards Waterstone Foyle

for US: Barnes & Nobles

Tell your story:

Dear reader now is your turn!

Tell your story, and if you identified yourself or anyone you know in any of the characters included in the book. Simply click here.
I look forward to hearing from you!

Olga Venosa

Please note our book paperback version is available to purchase in any of the below distribution partners:

Worldwide Book Stores

The eBook version can be purchased from any of the below partners:

Ebook Distributors

For the Italian version please visit our Italian page.